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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A sad poem

I found this poem... it was so sad but at the same time bold so I thought I share it with everyone.

Not What I Seem

© By Anonymous

I used to say that would never be me,
But people change and become not what they seem.
I have a secret no one knows,
I hide from all, my mistakes and my goals.
The decisions I've made and the choices that I picked,
Became footsteps along the path of pain and being sick.
I'm only sixteen I shouldn't have to deal,
But I've come to realize because of me this is real.
I'm too stubborn to ask for help or assistance,
I'm too strong to let it get the best of me in an instant.
Yet I'm to weak to beat it on my own,
And I can't ask for help because of reasons unknown.
I'm scared of where I'm headed,
But I like where it got me, and now it feels needed.
I can't live without it, and yet I won't live with it,
The consequences are deadly and yet I just can't quit it.
I have so much support and encouragement,
I have friends and family who love me.
I know I can do it if I could just find my will,
But it has abandoned me all alone to struggle up this hill.
I can't let go it just can't be done,
But if I can't loosen my grasp then I'm gone.
Leaving the people I love and cherish,
To deal with the fact that I've perished.
I won't do that to those I love,
And yet I won't tell them how I truly feel.
Alone and abandoned in this lake of sorrow,
No sun shining through to vanquish the shadows.
It's a scary place to be stranded,
And because of myself I have to stand it.
I alone walked this path,
And now everyone has to deal with the aftermath.
Is it fair what I've done to those I love?
To make them deal with my moods and attitude.
I made the choice to come to this place
And all I do is hide what I feel and do behind a vacant face.
I want to tell them all I'm sorry,
To beg for forgiveness and make it all history.
But I can't swallow my pride
And admit that I was wrong, and that yes maybe they were right
To find my will power and ask for help,
And have unconditional love and support.
They'll tell me no matter what we'll be here,
And that I can do this and I can kick this addiction.
Now that I've wrote it I just have to say
And remind myself I'm beautiful no matter what and worth so much everyday
I will beat this because I 'm stronger than it thinks,
And frankly not being capable of doing anything stinks!
I'm going to play soccer again and run,
I'm going to wake-up, put my foot down and have fun.
Because a life of regrets and overwhelming guilt
Of weekly appointments and being constantly sick,
Is not worth the beauty achieved by being bulimic.....

Monday, April 26, 2010

Senarai semakan keputusan permohonan kemasukan 2010 bagi Matrikulasi, UPU, USM, KPLSPM, Politeknik, Tingkatan 6 dan IKBN

UPU – Lepasan SPM

Tarikh Rujukan

1. Semakan Temuduga (Diploma/Asasi) (UTM, UiTM, UPSI, UPNM) - 7 April 2010

Temuduga 9 – 13 April 2010

2. Semakan Temuduga Asasi UiTM - 14 April 2010

Temuduga Asasi UiTM - April 2010

3. Keputusan Permohonan - Mei 2010

4. Pendaftaran pelajar ke Program Asasi PASUM/ USIM/ UIAM/ UPNM/ UiTM - 23 Mei 2010

5. Pendaftaran pelajar ke IPTA - 3 dan 4 Julai 2010

UPU – Lepasan STPM – Bukan Pendidikan

Tarikh Rujukan

1. Semakan Temuduga ( UPNM, UiTM, UIAM, UKM, UPM, UUM, UTM, UMS, UM) - 14 April 2010

Temuduga 16 – 28 April 2010

2. Keputusan Permohonan Jun 2010

3. Pendaftaran Pelajar ke IPTA 3 dan 4 Julai 2010

UPU – Lepasan STPM – Pendidikan

Tarikh Rujukan

1. Semakan Ujian MEdSI - 15 April 2010

Ujian MEdSI - 24 April 2010

2. Semakan Temuduga - 11 Mei 2010

Temuduga 18 – 24 Mei 2010

3. Keputusan Permohonan Jun 2010

4. Pendaftaran Pelajar ke IPTA 3 dan 4 Julai 2010


Tarikh Rujukan

1. Semakan Ujian MUnSyI April 2010

2. Ujian MUnSyI 24 April 2010

3. Semakan Temuduga 3 Mei 2010

Temuduga 7 – 15 Mei 2010

4. Keputusan Permohonan Mei 2010

5. Pendaftaran Pelajar ke USM Jun/Julai 2010


Tarikh Rujukan

1. Keputusan Permohonan 16 April 2010

2. Pendaftaran Pelajar Baru 10 Mei 2010


Tarikh Rujukan

1. Semakan Temuduga 20 April 2010

Temuduga 25 April – 7 Mei 2010

2. Keputusan Permohonan 14 Jun 2010

3. Pendaftaran Pelajar Baru 28 Jun 2010


Tarikh Rujukan

1. Semakan Ujian Bertulis 8 April 2010

2. Ujian Bertulis 20 April 2010

3. Semakan Temuduga 8 Mei 2010

Temuduga 1 – 4 Jun 2010

4. Keputusan Permohonan 8 Jun 2010

5. Pendaftaran Pelajar Baru Julai 2010


Tarikh Rujukan

1. Semakan Tawaran ke Tingkatan 6 Mei 2010

2. Pendaftaran Pelajar Baru 10 Mei 2010


Tarikh Rujukan

1. Keputusan Permohonan 1 Jun 2010

2. Pendaftaran Pelajar Baru Julai 2010

Maklumat di atas berdasarkan makluman di laman web yang berkenaan. Jika anda mempunyai maklumat terkini harap dapat berkongsinya di sini, terima kasih.

another tag..

Hehehe, I'm bored so since I cant find anything to do so I decide to do this tag..

What is your full name?
Nur Atiqah Binti Azmi (nama kat ic ni taw) hahahaha

When is your birthday?
12 April 1992 ( I'm an Aries)

What is your daddy's name?

What is your your mum's name?

How many siblings do you have?
3, I'm the eldest

Where do you live?
earth... :D

Your favourite colour(s).
white, green, pink... so many, nothing specific. why don't u pick for me..

Still studying?

Do you have a bestfriend?
Duh.... yeah..

Do you love them?
that's why they're my bestfriend becz I love em..

Pop or jazz?
I prefer country. something like rascal flatts..

Chicken or beef?
Dun't know, I'm fine with both

Coke or 100plus?
I don't like gassy drink, so the answer is neither

What brand is your purse?
don't have any.. ( rimas la nak guna purse, saya lebih suka sumbat semuanya kat dlm beg sandang)

much do you have in your wallet right now?
Why do u want to know??

High heels or flat?
I like wearing comfortable thing, so even I am short I still prefer flat

skrts or jeans?
I'm pretty sure jeans

Shirt or blouse?
I don't really care what I wear, so mana satu yang saya nampak dlu, itulah yang saya pilih

Watch or bracelet?
I can't leave the house without my watch

Favourite watch's brand?
never really care about the brand... even until now I don't know what brand my watch is..

Do you have a girlfriend?

Do you have a boyfriend?
if u are referring to the special one then no...

Did you love her?
my girlfriend?? yeah..

Did you ever kiss him?
soalan bonus btul...

Facebook or Myspace?

What is your dream?
to be a good daughter,
to be a doctor,
to be of use to the world...
and many more...


Ok, last saturday aku dah habis belajar kereta... lpas ni tggl nak ambil ujian kereta lagi, mudahan lulus la.

Today my friend from PLKN was suppose to sleepover kat rumah saya tapi tak jadik sbab dia tak dapat kuar kem without parents consent. Parents dia tggl jauh sbab tu tak dpt nak ambil dia balik.

Anyway today I basically spend all day cleaning up my room yg baru ja siap di renovate.. now I have a bigger room all to myself. better yet, my mother said that I can have the second floor all to myself. Fuyoo!! just like having a house of my own.. (walaupun aku blum habis blajar apatah lagi kerja, huhuhu :P )

Right now I'm totally frustrated sbab saya tak dpt nak ambil black belt bulan 6 ni sebab time tu saya dah mula blajar balik... :( Walaupun dah penat berlatih ttp tak dpt gak black belt... wuaaa so anoying...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

the tag..

Ok, actually never thought about any of the question tapi dah kena tanya jawab je la kan.. Anyway, thanx Izzati for the tag..

1. How tall should he be?
don't know for real tapi of course kena tinggi dari aku la.. (nanti pelik plak org tengok)

2. What hair colour should he have?-;
emmm... for asian guy black for foreigner blond (huhuhu)

3. What kind of personality should he have?-
I like it cute, preferably one who act like ryeowook...

4. Older or younger?--
older, but not too olad la..

5. What film actor should he most be like?-
since I don't know many asian actor, I must say Jerry f4

6. What singer should he most be like?
No doubt about that, ryeowook!!!

7. Do they need to cook?-
Yup, that is compulsory.

8. What is his best body part?
wakakakaka... can't think of any

9. What car should he drive?
a red ferrary.. hahahaha

10. What one thing completely turns you on?
his smile maybe... don't know for real

11. Who was the guy on your mind when you were doing this survey?-
none in particular.... hehehe blum jumpa lagi yang btul - btul the "one"... hehehehe

tag 6 person to do this survey:

well none of my friends in Sabah has blog so I can't tag anyone to do this survey...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Karate Do

hari ni aku practice karate sorang2 kat rumah... geram btul... tendangan akumasih lagi tak betul walaupon dah banyak kali aku try, dah mcm2 cara aku buat masih salah jugak. Ahhh!!!! last2 aku give up, tapi bukan give up terus laa.. nanti aku try buat lagi.

Hari ni aku pegi la try buat research skit tentang matriks tu.. tapi skali aku nampak je asrama dia trus aku malas nak pergi, bukan apa, aku tak suka btul nak share bilik ngan ramai2 orang ni!! Tapi klu dah terpaksa, apa boleh buat pergi jela... huhuhu

wat kek batik..

hari ni ntah dari mana datang angin rajin aku.. aku pegi la buat kek batik. Mcmana? senang je,

Bahan:1. milo
2. butter(klu takde planta pun jadila)
3. susu pekat (some people use susu cair tapi ikut suka la nak guna apa)
4. telur dua biji
5. roti marie

Cara membuat(aku men bantai je tapi jadik jugakle):

1 cairkan butter
2. masukkan semua bahan2 kecuali roti marie
3.bila mixture tu dah pekat barulah masukkan roti marie.
4. pas tu masukkan dalam loyang, sejukkan dan kek dah siap untuk dimakan.

Huhuhuhu... senangkan?? Anyway tryla buat sedap.... hahahaha

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Ok, time ni aku tgh confuse sesangat samada nak masuk matriks ke tak... Dilema aku sebenarnya camni, aku tgh tunggu kptsn ntuk biasiswa piln tapi sampai sekarang tak dgr berita bila kptsn tu nak kuar.. soo my parents cadangkan aku masuk matriks dlu sementara tggu kptsn jpa... aiseh!!! 10 Mei?? awalnya, (cewah padahala aku dah jobless ntuk 5 bln dah) tapi malas btul nak pegi sambung blajar ni... otak aku pun dah berkarat dah bla nak mula blajar balik ni.. Anyway whateverla aku just go with the flow je lah...